Use of music to enhance the is shown and then heard. - sound bridge.
used throughout the film,
voice over changes from male to female. - used to create comedy and also enhances the story by explaining.
country music fits in with the landscape. - got pretty repetitive.
Editing to enhance meaning.
blending in of shots. - fading. - little bit overused.
smooth edits between different scenes.
Use of camera to show perspective/narrative.
behind the shoulder shots.
high angles to create the idea that we are looking down on the map as well
close ups on their actions and middle shots on their behavior.
close up on male face to show his feelings.
long shots and static shot - typical of nature programs.
Use of setting/mise en scene to represent psychological situations of characters.
setting is used a lot, landscape shots.
constant landscape shots.
the country side was used to create the theme.
all the characters were dressed in appropriate attire, all props enhanced the characters 'comical' characters.
the setting was very specific to the theme of nature programs
Deeper message?
mocking people who usually 'ramble' through the country side.